Playful Collaboration – The Cartoonist’s Instinct

If you put two or more cartoonists together in a restaurant, something’s getting drawn on. Napkins, takeout containers, pizza boxes–they’re getting covered in doodles. For many cartoonists (professional or not), doodling feels like our first language. So when we’re comfortable and amongst our peers, that’s what we default to.

I noticed in these playful drawing sessions that something collaborative emerges. One person might draw a spaceship, and the next might draw some planets or comets around it. No one says, no, you can’t add that. The implicit rule is the improv cliche of yes, and.

This is why I lead a session of Great Big Giant Awesome Comic in every multi-week comics course. It draws on a cartoonist’s instinct to doodle while leaning into the playful collaboration that can happen as you go. Students learn how to negotiate with others. They experience the happy surprises that come when you let art emerge.

I most recently led this as part of my 8-week course at The McConnell Arts Center of Worthington. The kids committed to the point where they needed extra sheets of paper to branch off their storylines. It was a joyful experience.

It’s hard to count how many times I’ve led this activity over the last 15 or so years. But I’ve been present for many Great Big Giant Awesome Comics.

You can find where I’ll be teaching next here. You can find lesson plans and how to bring me to your school or library here.