In the Harpoon Chamber

I’m continuing to practice digital watercolors in Procreate while developing ideas for another Doctor Baer book.

For those in Team Pickles who have been following along with the process materials for the next book, this is the scene where our heroes follow the anxious monk into a secret chamber wherein the Hoary Harpoon is kept. Naturally, Pickles is more interested in the opportunity for music-making.

I might go so far as to say that the watercolor brushes (at least, the ones I’ve found), feel even more natural than the ones I’ve used in Clip Studio Paint. But that comes with its own trade-off in that their realistic color mixing pulls the transparent pixels into the edges of my selections. I’ve tried to adapt to that in my approach.

But one big plus I wish someone told me about a while ago is that, unlike CSP, Procreate lets me paint in CMYK. That’s reason enough to keep practicing.

The environment was made in Blender, imported into CSP for penciling, inked on watercolor paper, and colored in Procreate. And big thanks for the color production assistance from Cailea Williams!

The magical script on the walls is based on an alphabet I created over 20 years ago.