Loving Ink Lines

I’m working on a new illustration of Baba Yaga (for an as-yet-unannounced project) and I was taken by the ink lines while flatting. Something has happened in the last 15 years or so where I absolutely love the way ink interacts with different papers.

Back in 2002 when I was penciling, inking, and halftoning my first mini-series, PPV: Pay-Per-View, I thought of inking as a largely utilitarian thing that made the art more printable. This page was where I switched from inking with super-dark pencils to a crow quill and technical pens.

It’s not bad, but I can see how crisp younger Jerzy kept things. Lines weren’t there to express, but to describe. It’s clear work that reads comparatively stiff when you consider the energy and character of lines in Baba Yaga’s hood.

I honestly never imagined I’d ever ?love? inking. But here I am! Let’s all promise to never stop learning, because we’ll always find new ways to love making art.