The Core – Four Million Years Later, episode 27

First off, please forgive the audio issues this episode, we were dealing with two separate audio problems teaming up!

So THE CORE is not a PRETTY episode, but is it a BAD one?? We found it’s NOT! You might just shut your eyes and listen to it. Chip Chase is BACK, and he’s got a PLAN! But so does MEGATRON! And Starscream has a SNIPER RIFLE and 6 Autobots in his sights!! Tune in and find out why we groaned at this episode as children but have a new appreciation for it as…. older children.

Song at 54:48-55:30 is “We’re In This Together” by Nine Inch Nails covered by Tara Rice. It’s fantastic!

Watch the episode before listening to our commentary:

Check out a past episode!